...This will help open your pores. Once you are done wash your face with an acne soap. You can do this twice a day. Then at night apply a honey mask to your skin. Honey has amazing anti bacterial qualities. This will help to disinfect your pores. You can apply the mask up to three times a week....»
«...(1) Papules are red and inflamed lesions on the surface of the skin. They are small, solid, raised skin lesions, that are less than 1 centimeter in diameter and do not contain white head or pus. Papules are brought about by a high break of the follicular wall, allowing the bacteria and cellular debris to leak into the dermal layer of the skin. Papules should not be squeezed to avoid the worsening of the breakout. Papules usually heal rapidly and do not leave any scar because they are only superficial lesions. Using Benzoyl Peroxide may aid in preventing the occurrence of the papules....»
tags:how do i clear my acne without medication,
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